COVID-19 pandemic

The European Resuscitation Council published COVID-19 Guidelines on April 24, 2023, and will be subject to evolving knowledge and experience of COVID-19. Several ILSE Members deploy the local and national lifeguards on…

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ILS postponed Lifesaving World Championships 2023




'excerpt from 'Charlie the savior'

International Drowning Prevention Programme “Charlie the savior”, inspired by Baywatch

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Webinar: 5th Portuguese National Congress on Drowing Prevention

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ILSE Member in Spain organised a virtual competition in lifesaving sports


谈谈 Shadowrocket 和 Quantumult | 落格博客:自从我更换了美区 Apple ID 后,原先购买的 Surge 就不能再用了—— 当然,现在 Surge 也更新了新的版本,对我来说,花大价钱购买一款高级网络调试工具然后单纯用来翻墙,想想就觉得挺蠢的。 好在,macOS 版本的 Surge 2 授权还在,毕竟这个不跟随 Apple

ILSE has to cancel the annual Meetings in March 2023 in Spain: The Meeting were planned as a common Meeting of ILSE Board of Directors and ILSE Commissions. The situation…

WHO conference in Minsk

苹果手机iPhone安装Shadowrocket并使用Shadowsocks实现 ...:2021-2-1 · 此教程适用于非中国大陆地区使用苹果手机iPhone的小伙伴;如果如果你有的话,可伍直接去苹果应用商店AppStore下载Potatso Lite即可,详细操作 步骤如下: 1、下载Shadowrocket IPA文件: Shadowrocket 2、使用爱思助手给手机安装Shadowrocket

Cancelled: 24th International DLRG Cup



Our common future challenges: climate change impacts